Philadelphia SD in Crisis: Share Your Concerns

Thank you for visiting This webpage is dedicated to addressing concerns about waste, fraud, and mismanagement within the Philadelphia School District. Please note that this platform is not intended for mandated reporters.

If you have concerns about the well-being of a specific student, please use the appropriate reporting channels:

Report to ChildLine for child welfare concerns
File an educator misconduct complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)

Share Your Concerns or Ideas
If you have witnessed mismanagement, waste, or abuse within the Philadelphia School District, or if you have ideas to improve schools, reduce inefficiencies, or enhance student outcomes, please use the form below to submit your input. All information submitted will be used with the goal of improving the district for students, employees, and families.

The information you provide will be reviewed and forwarded to the relevant officials, as appropriate. These officials may be in touch with you in the future. Please be advised that the information you provide may also be used in a legislative investigation and/or in the development of future legislation. Also, please be sure to read the relevant procedures for submissions including any and all information regarding penalties for false reports to these agencies. Thank you again, for taking the time to share your concerns.

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